Sunday, February 28, 2010

Perry's Getting Salty

Ken Herman of the Austin American Statesman wrote an editorial about Gov. Perry having his primary night party at the Salt Lick in Driftwood, TX. Herman found this important because of Salt Licks owner Scott Roberts working the governmental system to his favor. How you might ask yourself did Roberts do this? Well Roberts owns a lot of land out in Dripping Springs, TX area that he has plans of developing but needed more money to fund his project. So he worked the system to eventually get a higher tax at his restaurant in order to make up the funds. So the question here is if this is right? Well one must be business smart so Roberts raising his prices at the Salt Lick would not help him be competitive in the market, however bbq in Texas is never cheap, and where Roberts restaurant is located is not exactly the most convenient place, so is usually a planned out trip. I say yes he could of just raised his prices in order to make his profits larger in order to fund his project. Does Gov. Perry anti-government theme go along with this kind of act? I couldn't honestly answer that question because there's no clear connection between Roberts and Perry besides the fact that he is having a party there, but so do a 1,000 other people every year. Herman might just be trying to stir up peoples thoughts about Perry having a different agenda but the facts are just not there. In the article he states that Dripping Springs was not the only special district created last year to collect taxes but there were 10 others. This has to do more with the world of business then really government. Let Gov. Perry just enjoy his Salt Lick, I know I sure would.

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