Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Comments on my Colleagues Immigration Post

On my fellow classmates post about immigration I agree with the side of illegal immigration must stop. However, there was not enough facts for me to feel obligated to take her side in the post from what was stated. I feel as an outsider looking in on the issue that I still have no clue where the writer had the facts to show how bad of a problem this really was. Also, there was no clear opinion stated on the matter except a very soft ending paragraph about how he or she was anti-immigration and businesses should be penalized for hiring illegal immigrants. There is a lot more out there to on this issue to back the information of anti-immigration such as these immigrants are using fake social security numbers and not paying any of the FICA taxes that legal American citizens have to pay with every paycheck. Also, how most do not have car insurance so when they get in a motor vehicle accident which they are at fault, the other motorists must pay out of their insurance which cost thousands of dollars a year. I do agree with my classmate but fell there was much more substance to be put in on this article to back his or her point.

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